Cinq & quarante degres ciel bruslera,
Feu approcher de la grand cite neufue,
Instant grand flamme esparse sautera,
Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuve.
The sky will burn at forth-five degrees,
fire approaches the great New City.
Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up
when they want to have proof of the Normans.
B: This is an event that will take place in the war that is to come.
He says in this war various diplomatic ties that are currently in effect will not exist then.
There will be a different set of diplomatic ties,
but one that will still hold true is the friendship between the people of France and the people of America.
D: That is the Normans?
B: Yes. He says in this particular event a country on the other side of the conflict will send a bomb towards New York City.
It will be spotted in the sky and be watched coming in.
I believe he means it will be tracked on radar, but he says watchers will be watching it.
D: Does the bomb hit New York?
B: He's trying to see for sure.
He's saying that in this particular war some of the bombs will hit New York and some will be diverted.
Sometimes it's difficult to untangle what will happen to which bombs.
But it will take many human lives.
D: Does "45degrees" refer to the location?
B: He says that refers to the angle up from the horizon where it will first be spotted.
**For the curious there are two more quatrains concerning New York which are not very pleasant to read.
These concern possible future events. "Volume 1";, page 243-244, Century II-6 and "Volume 2", page 206, Century III-84.
Sardou Nemans si hault desborderont,
Qu'on cuidera Ducalion renaistre,
Dans le collosse la plus part fuiront,
Vesta sepulchre feu estaint apparoistre.
The Sardon will flood Nimes so high that
they will think Ducalion has been reborn.
In the colossus the greater part will flee,
Vesta's fire appears extinguished in the tomb.
B: He says this quatrain refers to an incident in the next
world war.
D: In the next world war?
B: Yes, in the one
coming up. The conflict that will be in the process of developing that the
Anit-Christ will take advantage of. He says this describes an opposing
power bombing the Pentagon.
D: (Surprised) The Pentagon?
B: Yes. The "colossus" refers to the Pentagon.
He says "Vesta's fire appearing to be extinguished in the tomb"
in a descriptive phrase describing the bomb dropping down on the Pentagon with a fiery wake, exploding there, and being covered up with smoke.
And he says, "being extinguished in the tomb" means it will turn the Pentagon into a tomb.
D: What does the first part mean?
"The Gardon will flood Nimes so high they will think Ducalion has been reborn."
B: He says that refers to the country who casts the bomb.
Their political leader will flood the press with misinformation.
D: It's not a flood of water, which would seem obvious with the reference to Ducalion.
Is Gardon an anagram?
B: He asks that
you spell it.
D: Well, they said it was an error in the French.
B: Spell it both ways
D: The English has G-A-R-D-O-N, and in the French it's S-A-R-D-O-N.
They said that's an error, and Sardon should be Gardon.
What does he think?
B: One moment please.
(Long pause) He says it is correct with the "S" because the word is "Sardon."
He used it in a misleading way so they would think he was making an anagram on the name of a river or perhaps some major body of water.
Actually the anagram was on either the name or title of the political leader involved.
He says in some cultures titles are used as names, and that sometimes blurs the distinction for seeing it.
D: I think he mentioned that New York might be bombed.
But this refers to Washington.
B: Yes. The object of this would not be the bombing of the United States in general.
Specifically, the object would be bombing the military center; that is, the Pentagon,
in order to throw the United States sufficiently into chaos to assist the other side in attaining some of their goals.
They want to create confusion--perhaps to keep the United States from actively participating for a period of time.
(Dolores' note: Could "Sardon" be an anagram for "Sudam"?)