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Metaphysics Video: 
A&E Nostradamus 
Prophet of Doom “A&E; Nostradamus Prophet of Doom”   -------» [ BUY ]

For four centuries his dark prophecies have inspired fear and debate; his followers say he predicted the French Revolution, the birth of Hitler and the assassination of John Kennedy.

In an age of magic and superstition, the medieval physician Nostradamus gained renown for healing victims of the deadly plague. But it is his prophetic visions, 900 cryptic poems called The Centuries, that have enthralled generation after generation of readers. Did he, as believers claim, predict some of history's most monumental events, from the Great Fire of London to the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger? And what about his terrifying prophecies of the end of the world? In this remarkable presentation, BIOGRAPHY® interviews scholars on both sides of the discussion.

Metaphysics Video: 
''Ancient Prophecies'' “Ancient Prophecies”   -------» [ BUY]

''Ancient Prophecies'', hosted by David McCallum, was broadcast on NBC in 1994.

Ancient Prophecies covers ancient and modern prophecies and predictions from The Great Pyramid Calendar, the obsidian mirror of Nostradamus, the 112 Popes that would rule until doomsday prophecy by Saint Malachy (first and last Pope ''Peter the Roman''), 3 Children of Fatima visited by the Virgin Mary angel, 4 Garabandal Children visited by the Virgin Mary angel, the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce, Mary Summer Rain, No Eyes, Gordon-Michael Scallion, Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the Book of Revelation all foretell the coming end of days, Armageddon, Apocalypse and the 3 Anti-Christs.

Metaphysics Video: 
''Ancient Prophecies II'' “Ancient Prophecies II”   -------» [ BUY]

The ''Countdown'' continues in this provocative sequel to the surprise hit, ''Ancient Prophecies'', both of which were broadcast as two-hour specials on NBC in 1994.

Prophecies from the ancient Greeks and the Jewish Kabalah, recent trance induced predictions of Paul Solomon, Lori and Leonard Toye's earth changes, and the appearance of the Virgin Mary all over the globe in unlikely places tend to further substantiate the earlier prognostications of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Saint Malachy and the Book of Revelations of an apocalyptic event at the beginning of the next millennium.

Metaphysics Video: 
Christ Before the Crucifixion an Incredible Story “Christ Before the Crucifixion”   -------» [ BUY ]

This video documents the creation of a photographic image of Jesus taken from the enormous panoramic view ''The Crucifixion'' by Jan Styka. It follows the path Leila Sherman's unprecedented access to the renowned painting housed at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California, and the subsequent development of the image as available today through www.christpicture.com. This picture is on the cover of “Jesus and the Essenes” book by Dolores Cannon.

Narrated by Miss Sherman's good friend, Katherine Whitman, the video provides a story of inspiration, a lesson in both patience and faith. Leila Sherman has waited decades to provide her favorite image of Christ to others, and with this opportunity, the world can enjoy the moving story of her quest.

Metaphysics Video: 
''Enter Darkness : Enter Light'' 
Can We Change our Predicted Doom? “Enter Darkness : Enter Light”   -------» [ BUY ]

The Year: 2000
The Date: May 5th
The Event: A Polar shift That could change Earth forever?
Is it really possible. . .

Are The Predicted Pieces Now Falling into Place?

Judge for Yourself! These are just a few of the predictions this extraordinary group of scientists, astronomers, futurists, philosophers, scholars, psychics, architects, and spiritual teachers address. . . In depth interviews show and tell you in chilling detail what has long been suspected. From the mysterious teachings of Freemasonry to the harsh realization that our Earth is in trouble, the evidence shown here is so powerful that it will capture your intellect, grab your emotions and knock at the threshold of your soul.

The Unknown Zone
 - Interview with -
 ''Dolores Cannon'' “The Unknown Zone”   ------------» [ BUY ]

In April 1999, hypnotherapist and author, Dolores Cannon appeared on a popular New York based Cable TV show "The Unknown Zone" hosted by Joanne Steele. Dolores Cannon had so much information to talk about, she had to tape four separate shows.

Now you are able to watch all these fascinating episodes of The Unknown Zone for the special low price of just one videotape.

Metaphysics Video: 
UFO Collector Series Volume 319
 Author: Dolores Cannon 
''The Custodians'' “UFO Collector Series Volume 319”   ------------» [ BUY ]

Dolores Cannon
Author of “The Custodians”

Dolores Cannon considers herself a regressionist and psychic researcher who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "lost" knowledge. She has become, perhaps, the world's most unlikely expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus. A retired Navy wife from Arkansas, she was nearly 50 years old when she began experimenting with hypnosis and past-life regression. The results were, to say the least, quite spectacular. Working through several different vehicles (subjects), Dolores was able to establish communication with the living Michel De Nostradame. She has written a three volume series on the translation of Nostradamus' Quatrains.

“The Custodians”
During the past 12 years, Dolores has also been a UFO investigator, using her regression skills to help people that have been involved in abduction. She has written 4 books based on information volunteers have revealed while under hypnosis. This presentation focuses on the material from these books, especially the latest one, “The Custodians”. She addresses the Ancient Astronaut Theory of the seeding of the planet Earth by ETs. The different types of aliens and their spacecraft. Their method of travel, by going between dimensions rather than to distant planets. Missing time, condensed or distorted time, purposes and locations of implants, etc.

Metaphysics Video: 
UFO Collector Series Volume 372
 Author: Dolores Cannon 
Prophecies of Nostradamus 
 9-11 Terrorist Attacks “UFO Collector Series Volume 372”   ------------» [ BUY ]

Dolores Cannon
Prophecies of Nostradamus and the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks

Dolores Cannon considers herself a regressionist and psychic researcher who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "lost" knowledge. She has become, perhaps, the world's most unlikely expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus. A retired Navy wife from Arkansas, she was nearly 50 years old when she began experimenting with hypnosis and past-life regression. The results were, to say the least, quite spectacular. Working through several different vehicles (subjects), Dolores was able to establish communication with the living Michel De Nostradame, better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. His revelations and their impact on our time are both fascinating and, at times, frightening.

Dolores' presentation was just a few days after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. She concentrates on the meaning of communications and predictions of Nostradamus (and others) and their connection to the recent events. This is a fascinating and historically important presentation.

Metaphysics Video: 
UFO Collector Series Volume 383
 Author: Dolores Cannon 
''The Convoluted Universe'' “UFO Collector Series Volume 383”   ------------» [ BUY ]

Dolores Cannon
Author of “The Convoluted Universe”

Dolores Cannon considers herself a regressionist and psychic researcher who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "lost" knowledge. She has become, perhaps, the world's most unlikely expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus. A retired Navy wife from Arkansas, she was nearly 50 years old when she began experimenting with hypnosis and past-life regression. The results were, to say the least, quite spectacular. Working through several different vehicles (subjects), Dolores was able to establish communication with the living Michel De Nostradame, better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. His revelations and their impact on our time are both fascinating and, at times, frightening.

“The Convoluted Universe”
Throughout more than 20 years of doing hypnotic regression into all phases of the paranormal, Dolores uncovered many complicated metaphysical theories. These were not included in her other books, and now have been combined into “The Convoluted Universe”, the long awaited sequel to “The Custodians”. Parallel dimensions and parallel realities, the building of the Pyramids, Life and science and destruction of Atlantis, Simultaneous time, Splintering of soul parts, Life as pure energy and life as a machine, Return to the God source, and much more.

Current Authors:

Dolores Cannon
Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge". Using hypnosis as her research tool, Dolores has the unique ability to take complex metaphysical concepts and explain them in a way that is easy for anyone to understand.
“Conversations with Nostradamus” Volume 1
“Conversations with Nostradamus” Volume 2
“Conversations with Nostradamus” Volume 3
“Jesus and the Essenes”
“They Walked With Jesus”
“Between Death & Life”
“The Convoluted Universe” Book 1
“A Soul Remembers Hiroshima”
“Keepers of the Garden”
“The Legend of Starcrash”
“Legacy from the Stars”
“The Custodians”

Claire Doyle-Beland
Claire uses Astrology and Numerology to find your lucky numbers, days and hours.
“Luck Doesn't Happen By Chance”

Max H. Flindt & Otto O. Binder
Flindt was the first to scientifically document biological evidence that mankind may be a hybrid of terrestrial humanoids and starpeople. Binder was a famous science fiction writer with more than three million words published in over forty books and over three hundred non-fiction articles published in national magazines, as science articles and about UFOs.
“Mankind Child Of The Stars”

John V. Panella
John Panella's understanding and grasp of theology and Biblical truths is quite remarkable.
“The Gnostic Papers”

Arun & Sunanda Gandhi
Arun, the grandson of Kastur and Mahatma Gandhi, researched his grandparents' lives for thirty years and has written the “only” biography of Kastur, the “wife” of Mahatma Gandhi.
“The Forgotten Woman”

Reverend Patrick McNamara
A former Catholic priest of fifteen years, finds the union between religion and new age, and the “beauty” in all things.
“Beauty And The Priest”

Sture Lonnerstrand
Sture is the only journalist given permission by Shanti Devi to tell her incredible story of reincarnation.
“I Have Lived Before”

Aron Abrahamsen
“Holiday in Heaven”

Dorothy Leon
“Is Jehovah an E.T.?”

James H. Kent
“Past Life Memories as a Confederate Soldier”

Paula J. Tyler
“New Age Metaphysics”

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