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OzArk Mountain Publishing      Metaphysics Books.com distributes information on knowledge that is not taught in schools or church. Metaphysics Books.com and OzArk Mountain Publishing sells only non-fiction metaphysical and spirituality books. The world's most famous hypnotist and hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, investigates and reports on lost and ancient knowledge. This lost knowledge is found in books transcribed from Dolores Cannon's hypnotherapy research. Using hypnosis as her research tool, Dolores Cannon has the unique ability to take complex metaphysical concepts and explain them in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. Metaphysics Books.com and OzArk Mountain Publishing's main objective is to provide our readers with accurate, interesting and educational information that will open the mind to other realities and possibilities. We hope that you will take a journey with us to find the answers to life's many questions, discover lost knowledge and explore other realities of our Universe and Beyond.

Manscript Submissions

Following are our guidelines for submissions:

* New Age/Metaphysical or Spiritual material
* Non-fiction
* Query letter, table of contents with sample chapters, or manuscript
* No phone calls - please enclose a postcard to acknowledge our receipt.
* Please allow 6 months to receive answer, as each manuscript or query is read in the order received.

Please mail your submission to:

Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.
P.O. Box 754
Huntsville, AR 72740

Current Authors:

Dolores Cannon
Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge". Using hypnosis as her research tool, Dolores has the unique ability to take complex metaphysical concepts and explain them in a way that is easy for anyone to understand.
“Conversations with Nostradamus” Volume 1
“Conversations with Nostradamus” Volume 2
“Conversations with Nostradamus” Volume 3
“Jesus and the Essenes”
“They Walked With Jesus”
“Between Death & Life”
“The Convoluted Universe” Book 1
“A Soul Remembers Hiroshima”
“Keepers of the Garden”
“The Legend of Starcrash”
“Legacy from the Stars”
“The Custodians”

Claire Doyle-Beland
Claire uses Astrology and Numerology to find your lucky numbers, days and hours.
“Luck Doesn't Happen By Chance”

Max H. Flindt & Otto O. Binder
Flindt was the first to scientifically document biological evidence that mankind may be a hybrid of terrestrial humanoids and starpeople. Binder was a famous science fiction writer with more than three million words published in over forty books and over three hundred non-fiction articles published in national magazines, as science articles and about UFOs.
“Mankind Child Of The Stars”

John V. Panella
John Panella's understanding and grasp of theology and Biblical truths is quite remarkable.
“The Gnostic Papers”

Arun & Sunanda Gandhi
Arun, the grandson of Kastur and Mahatma Gandhi, researched his grandparents' lives for thirty years and has written the “only” biography of Kastur, the “wife” of Mahatma Gandhi.
“The Forgotten Woman”

Reverend Patrick McNamara
A former Catholic priest of fifteen years, finds the union between religion and new age, and the “beauty” in all things.
“Beauty And The Priest”

Sture Lonnerstrand
Sture is the only journalist given permission by Shanti Devi to tell her incredible story of reincarnation.
“I Have Lived Before”

Aron Abrahamsen
“Holiday in Heaven”

Dorothy Leon
“Is Jehovah an E.T.?”

James H. Kent
“Past Life Memories as a Confederate Soldier”

Paula J. Tyler
“New Age Metaphysics”

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