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Reverend Patrick McNamara

“Beauty And The Priest”

Reverend Patrick McNamara, formerly "Father Pat" served as a Roman Catholic priest for the Diocese of San Diego for fifteen years. During those years, he had been an Associate Pastor, a campus minister and a religious teacher. He received his Masters in Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University, a Masters in Divinity from Saint Patrick's Seminary, and a Juris Doctorate from The University of San Diego School of Law. Now a licensed non-denominational minister, Reverend McNamara continues his ministry of touching people with the truth of God, performing weddings and other celebrations with "Sacred Moments - Sacred Events".

Reverend McNamara knows firsthand the struggles today's Catholic priests face. He is the author of "Beauty and the Priest" a fascinating and personal story of conflict and adventures into the New Age. This book explains how his adventures ultimately led him away from the Catholic Church and toward more metaphysical horizons. He left the official priesthood, but not his flock. He will share with you the discoveries it took him fifteen years to make. He has explored past lives, channeling and has experienced psychic surgery. "Beauty and the Priest" is a heartfelt, emtional story of how he made the transition from priesthood to married life, created in the image of God.

Reverend McNamara is currently living in San Diego, California with his wife, Colleen. He remains steadfast in his committment to be in union with spirit through "Sacred Moments With Joshua".

If you wish to communicate with Patrick about his book or his life's work, you may contact him at the following address or phone number:
Patrick McNamara
1657 Andorre Glen
Escondido, CA 92029
(Please enclose SASE for reply)
Office phone/fax: 619-741-9273

E-mail: [email protected]

or [email protected]

Website: members.home.net/bandp

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