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“The Forgotten Woman”   ------------» [ BUY ]
You've read about the man who became a legend, now read the human being (The Husband, The Father, The Man) as seen through the eyes of his wife and grandson. The biography of the woman in his life. The incredible woman known simply as "Ba" (Mother), to millions of people in India, her story untold until now. Together since childhood, she knew the flaws and human frailties of the man behind the legend. Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, and his wife Sunanda spent almost thirty years gathering the material for this book, which discloses personal facts and details never reported in any other Gandhi biography. Also contains never-before-published photographs.

ISBN: 1-886940-02-9...............350pp.,6x9 hardcover, 35 B/W photos

Table of Contents:

1.   The Merchant's Daughter
2.   A Marriage of Children
3.   A Housewife at Thirteen
4.   A Child Mother
5.   The Long Loneliness
6.   Shattered Dreams
7.   Revelations
8.   Journey into the Unknown
9.   A Home of Her Own
10. Seasons of Change
11. Home Again!
12. I Will Follow....Always
13. At Phoenix with Snakes
14. The Vows
15. Satyagraha
16. In Every Worthy Wish
17. Divided Loyalty, Despairing Hearts
18. The Commitment
19. Transformations
20. Home Truths
21. Sharing Joys and Sorrows
22. The Remedy Lies with Us
23. Strength of Will
24. The Force of Truth
25. That We May Serve the People
26. Return to Rajkot
27. Leave India to God
28. And Ever Live as Friends

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