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Dorothy Leon
“Is Jehovah an E.T.?”

Dorothy Leon was born in a log cabin in the Missouri Ozarks in 1935. Arriving with a black "cap" atop her head, the local psychic said she had to be named Dorothy, meaning "gift of God", because she had a spiritual job to do. Throughout her life she felt as though she had a mystical connection.

She was transplanted to Oregon when her parents moved there after World War II, and it has been her home ever since. She majored in Journalism and counseling at Rogue Valley and Clackamas County Colleges, and later studied with Walter Russell's "University of Philosophy and Science" in Virginia. She studied with a Kahuna Priest in Hawaii in 1971, and began training for the Ministry at the "Cosmic Star Temple" in Roseburg, Oregon in 1973. She was ordained and also received a "Healing Practitioners License" in 1977. During this time she was also busy being a wife and mother.

She has written five other books: Triangle From Mountains (ley lines and energy vortexes), The Clock With Thirteen Numbers (thirteen steps of Ascension), The Mystical Quest For Democracy (the Ascended Masters' quest for freedom from Atlantean times onward), The Three R's Series (Reality of the Light, Reincarnation Reviewed and Revelation Revealed), and a humorous book Tell Me About the Ozarks, Grandpa. She has also written articles and poems for various magazines. She produced two videos: Group Merkaba Vehicle and Reality of the Light, and is also the founder of three spiritual organizations: the "Violet Flame Center", the "New Age Center" and the "Anchor of Golden Light Retreat". Over the years she has been active teaching, lecturing, writing and serving on the Board of Directors for three other spiritual organizations.

In addition to all this activity she pursues hobbies of music, gardening, hiking, bird watching and rock-hounding. Now living on a twenty-acre wilderness she says she has never experienced the meaning of the word "boring". "To me life is a daily adventure, both physically and mentally. There is so much yet to be discovered!"

You may communicate with Dorothy Leon by writing to:

Dorothy Leon
c/o Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.
P.O. Box 754
Huntsville, AR 72740

Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply.

or email: [email protected]

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