Claire Doyle-Beland
Claire Doyle-Beland was born in Sudbury, Ontario, Cananda where she still resides close to her family.
She has done some professional singing, especially during her younger years, and has also won some poetry awards.
For over twenty-five years, she has studied astrology and numerology, and has found these sciences very enlightening and fascinating.
She would be interested in hearing from anyone who experiences exceptional luck using their lucky numbers, lucky days or lucky periods.
She would like to aknowledge that some of her information or ideas can be found in other source books.
In particular:
"Cheiro Book of Numbers" - by Cheiro, published by Prentice Hall Press - 1998;
"Zolar's Book of Astrology, Dreams, Numbers and Lucky Days" by Zolar, published by Prentice Hall Press - 1990.
If you
wish to correspond with Claire about this book, please forward all
correspondence to:
Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.
P.O. Box 754
Huntsville, AR 72740
Attn: Claire Doyle-Beland
or email her at Claire Doyle-Beland
Please include a return mailing address as Claire does not have email access.