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Audio Lecture Tape

''Between Death and Life''   --» [ BUY ]

This book was originally named "Conversations with a Spirit". After 16 years of regressive hypnotherapy research and past-life therapy, Dolores Cannon has accumulated information about the Life after Death experience and what lies beyond. While retrieving past-life memories and experiences, hundreds of subjects all reported the same memories when experiencing their death, their time in the spirit realm, and their many incarnations and rebirth into their present life and others.

This book also explores:
* Guides and guardian angels
* Ghosts and poltergeists
* Planning your present lifetime and karmic relationships before your birth
* The significance of "bad" lifetimes
* Perceptions of God and the Devil
* And much more

ISBN: 0-9632776-5-0...............241pp.,paper
(In some cases the British edition may be substituted. Different cover, same text.)

Table of Contents:

1.   The Death Experience
2.   The Greeters
3.   A Near Death Experience
4.   The Schools
5.   The Grand Tour
6.   The Different Levels or Planes of Existence
7.   So-Called "Bad" Lives
8.   Guides
9.   God and Jesus
10. Satan, Possession and Demons
11. Ghosts and Poltergeists
12. Planning and Preparation
13. The General Council
14. Imprinting
15. Walk-ins
16. The Return Trip

 Metaphysics Book Authors :

Dolores Cannon
'' Conversations with Nostradamus '' Volume 1
'' Conversations with Nostradamus '' Volume 2
'' Conversations with Nostradamus '' Volume 3
'' Jesus and the Essenes ''
'' They Walked With Jesus ''
'' Between Death & Life ''
'' The Convoluted Universe '' Book 1
'' A Soul Remembers Hiroshima ''
'' Keepers of the Garden ''
'' The Legend of Starcrash ''
'' Legacy from the Stars ''
'' The Custodians ''
Claire Doyle-Beland ~ '' Luck Doesn't Happen By Chance ''
Max H. Flindt & Otto O. Binder ~ '' Mankind Child Of The Stars ''
John V. Panella ~ '' The Gnostic Papers ''
Arun & Sunanda Gandhi ~ '' The Forgotten Woman ''
Reverend Patrick McNamara ~ '' Beauty And The Priest ''
Sture Lonnerstrand ~ '' I Have Lived Before ''
Aron Abrahamsen ~ '' Holiday in Heaven ''
Dorothy Leon ~ '' Is Jehovah an E.T.? ''
James H. Kent ~ '' Past Life Memories as a Confederate Soldier ''
Paula J. Tyler ~ '' New Age Metaphysics ''
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