Audio Lecture Tape
A young man wanting to explore past-life regression discovers this is his "first" lifetime on Earth.
All his other existences were on alien worlds and in other dimensions.
As this unique case is explored further, he finds out that his association with extraterrestrials did not cease with these other lives.
The interaction with UFOs and aliens has continued during all his present life,
although the information was protectively hidden by his subconscious.
This strange case reveals the motives behind present-day involvement between UFOs and humans,
and the hopes and expectations of our creators for their garden.
"We are the Garden - The gardeners are extraterrestrials from other worlds!"
ISBN: 0-9632776-4-2...............287pp.,paper
(In some cases the British edition may be substituted. Different cover, same text.)
Table of Contents:
1. The Discovery of Starchild
2. The Lost Colony
3. The Spaceship
4. The Strange City
5. The Social Structure of the Alien Planet
6. The Energy Director
7. The Fourth-Dimensional City
8. Imprinting
9. Death in a Needle
10. The Breakthrough to the Three Spires
11. Rushing to Earth's Aid
12. Starseed
13. The Explorers
14. Weeds in the Garden
15. The Dinosaurs
16. The Interbreeding
17. Area for the Dignitaries
18. Other Types of Beings
19. The Aliens Are Here
20. Terror in the Night
21. Discovery of Earlier Contacts
22. Losing Touch with Reality
23. Denial of Access
24. The Mysterious Black Box
Max H. Flindt & Otto O. Binder
Flindt was the first to scientifically document biological evidence that mankind may be a hybrid of terrestrial humanoids and starpeople.
Binder was a famous science fiction writer with more than three million words published in over forty books
and over three hundred non-fiction articles published in national magazines, as science articles and about UFOs.
'' Mankind Child Of The Stars ''
John V. Panella
John Panella's understanding and grasp of theology and Biblical truths is quite remarkable.
'' The Gnostic Papers ''
Arun & Sunanda Gandhi
Arun, the grandson of Kastur and Mahatma Gandhi, researched his grandparents' lives for thirty years and
has written the ''only'' biography of Kastur, the ''wife'' of Mahatma Gandhi.
'' The Forgotten Woman ''
Reverend Patrick McNamara
A former Catholic priest of fifteen years, finds the union between religion and new age, and the
''beauty'' in all things.
'' Beauty And The Priest ''
Sture Lonnerstrand
Sture is the only journalist given permission by Shanti Devi to tell her incredible story of reincarnation.
'' I Have Lived Before ''