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Conversations with Nostradamus

Audio Lecture Tape

''Conversations with Nostradamus'' 1   --» [ BUY ]

The only accurate translation of the Nostradamus Quatrains ever printed. In a million-to-one chance using regressive hypnosis, Nostradamus has broken through to our time period to reveal the events he foresaw rushing toward our planet's future. Nostradamus himself explains the puzzles and anagrams he carefully concealed in code form within his famous quatrains and prophecies. By speaking from his time to our time, Nostradamus warns us so we can use our free will to help change the possible futures he had foreseen. This revised edition contains updates of events that have already occurred since the original printing in 1989. The addendum shows how prophecies have been fulfilled since the writing of the three volume set.

Nostradamus has broken through the barriers of time and space and spoken to our present day. This book and its sequels contain two remarkable stories. The first is the adventure of how the contact with the great psychic was made. The second is the legacy he wanted to reveal to our world. In retrospect it all seems impossible. But since it has occurred and cannot be denied, then we must try to analyze what we have been shown and try to learn from it. Through time immortal man has been curious about his future. In all the histories of the world there have always been oracles, magicians, shamans, and seers using innumerable methods to warn the various civilizations of events to come. Why does man have this preoccupation with knowing the future? When a prediction is made, do we accept it with a resigned sense of doom and gloom, thinking it is set and therefore unchangeable? That would be a very morbid reason for wanting to know our destinies. Or do we want to know in the hope that this knowledge can allow us to change what is predicted? Without hope and free will, man is nothing but a puppet, with no control over his life. Nostradamus believed, as I do, in the theory of probable futures, of nexus on the lines of time with many possible courses branching off in all directions. He believed that if man had knowledge he could see which time line his future was headed down and reverse it before it was too late. He believed that without this knowledge man was nothing more than a piece of driftwood being tossed about at the whim of the waves. Many of the prophecies that Nostradamus revealed to us are filled with depressing horror and paint a very bleak picture of our future. But he said, "If I show you the most horrible things you can do to yourself, will you do something to change it?". These books are intended for the open-minded who can think about the events coming to pass and have a different way of looking at them. To be able to see that time is malleable, the future is not set, that the paths are many and its our choice which one we choose to travel upon. Dolores Cannon believes Nostradamus did not want his prophecies to come true. He did not have the ego of wanting to be proven right. He wanted us to negate the horror he saw, and to prove him wrong. This is the greatest reward any psychic can have, that his disastrous prophecies do not come true.

''Conversations with Nostradamus'' 2   --» [ BUY ]

The only accurate translation of the Nostradamus Quatrains ever printed. The second book in the Nostradamus series contains 143 additional quatrains written and translated by Nostradamus himself. The rise and location of the Anti-Christ, including his horoscope. The correlation of 666 (the mark of the beast) and computers. More about the third world war and what countries will be affected. Dangerous new technologies to control the weather and create earthquakes. Maps showing the portions of the continents that remain after the axis shift and the melting of the polar icecaps. The role of Space Visitors and Aliens during the time of tribulations.

''Conversations with Nostradamus'' 3   --» [ BUY ]

The only accurate translation of the Nostradamus Quatrains ever printed. The third book in the Nostradamus series contains 132 additional quatrains written and translated by Nostradamus himself, plus the exposure of bogus quatrains erroneously attributed to the great psychic. This volume continues to work through various subjects and completes the interpretation of all the known prophecies. More information about the rise and location of the infamous third Anti-Christ, including his name in anagram form and picture as seen by the subject. Predictions concerning increasing natural disasters and strange weather phenomena. A master index for all the Nostradamus Quatrains and subject matter in all three volumes.

 Metaphysics Book Authors :

Dolores Cannon
Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge". Using hypnosis as her research tool, Dolores Cannon has the unique ability to take complex metaphysical concepts and explain them in a way that is easy for anyone to understand.
'' Conversations with Nostradamus '' Volume 1
'' Conversations with Nostradamus '' Volume 2
'' Conversations with Nostradamus '' Volume 3
'' Jesus and the Essenes ''
'' They Walked With Jesus ''
'' Between Death & Life ''
'' The Convoluted Universe '' Book 1
'' A Soul Remembers Hiroshima ''
'' Keepers of the Garden ''
'' The Legend of Starcrash ''
'' Legacy from the Stars ''
'' The Custodians ''
Claire Doyle-Beland
Claire uses Astrology and Numerology to find your lucky numbers, days and hours.
'' Luck Doesn't Happen By Chance ''
Max H. Flindt & Otto O. Binder
Flindt was the first to scientifically document biological evidence that mankind may be a hybrid of terrestrial humanoids and starpeople. Binder was a famous science fiction writer with more than three million words published in over forty books and over three hundred non-fiction articles published in national magazines, as science articles and about UFOs.
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John V. Panella
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Reverend Patrick McNamara
A former Catholic priest of fifteen years, finds the union between religion and new age, and the ''beauty'' in all things.
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Sture Lonnerstrand
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Aron Abrahamsen
'' Holiday in Heaven ''
Dorothy Leon
'' Is Jehovah an E.T.? ''
James H. Kent
'' Past Life Memories as a Confederate Soldier ''
Paula J. Tyler
'' New Age Metaphysics ''
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