120 minutes
In April 1999, hypnotherapist and author, Dolores Cannon appeared on a popular New
York based Cable TV show "The Unknown Zone"
hosted by Joanne Steele.
Dolores Cannon had so much information to talk about, she had to tape four separate
Now you are able to watch all these fascinating episodes of The Unknown Zone for the special low price of just one videotape.
- Dolores tells of her amazing contact with the living Nostradamus that resulted in the interpretation of all the 1000 quatrains of prophecies, from her trilogy "Conversations With Nostradamus".
- She also discusses the origin of life on Earth and explains the mysteries surrounding UFOs and abduction experiences, from her book "The Custodians".
- Another topic covered is the missing years of Jesus and the portions removed from the Bible, as discussed in the two of her books, "Jesus and the Essenes" and "They Walked with Jesus".
Max H. Flindt & Otto O. Binder
Flindt was the first to scientifically document biological evidence that mankind may be a hybrid of terrestrial humanoids and starpeople.
Binder was a famous science fiction writer with more than three million words published in over forty books
and over three hundred non-fiction articles published in national magazines, as science articles and about UFOs.
'' Mankind Child Of The Stars ''
John V. Panella
John Panella's understanding and grasp of theology and Biblical truths is quite remarkable.
'' The Gnostic Papers ''
Arun & Sunanda Gandhi
Arun, the grandson of Kastur and Mahatma Gandhi, researched his grandparents' lives for thirty years and
has written the ''only'' biography of Kastur, the ''wife'' of Mahatma Gandhi.
'' The Forgotten Woman ''
Reverend Patrick McNamara
A former Catholic priest of fifteen years, finds the union between religion and new age, and the
''beauty'' in all things.
'' Beauty And The Priest ''
Sture Lonnerstrand
Sture is the only journalist given permission by Shanti Devi to tell her incredible story of reincarnation.
'' I Have Lived Before ''